Our New Website is Launching!

Happy New Year to all our members, both past and present and a warm welcome to our newer members.
It is with great excitement that with the beginning of a New Year we are launching our Centre’s new website in time for Term 1 enrolments!

As a community, 2020 bought us huge challenges, but in hindsight it also really brought our community centre members together. We struggled through Zoom sessions trying to stay connected while we painted, sewed, crocheted, exercised, critiqued books, learnt instruments and meditated together. As restrictions eased, we met in the local park with our many COVID projects, handcrafts and camping chairs, all sitting at the appropriate social distancing space.  The year ended with the great success of our Community Open Day, where we bought several local artists & musicians, local community groups & resources together, to celebrate how lucky we are to live in our Stirling/Beaufort Street Community, and in Western Australia.

Following on from our members survey at the end of last year, we have been busy over the summer holidays, reflecting on your comments and suggestions, considering the most favoured preferences and implementing changes with the intention of maintaining COVID Safe requirements throughout 2021. The feedback we received in the member survey was the driver for implementing many of our changes so we thank all members who gave of their time to provide feedback as it assisted us in determining the functionality within our new website!

Important CHANGES are here starting in time for Term 1 2021!

  • Enrolment and payment for all our classes and courses will now only be available online, making it contactless and therefore COVID-19 safe.

  • Enrolment day will be 2 weeks before Term 1 2021 starts, that means Monday 18th January. Please enrol promptly to secure your place in our more popular classes as places cannot be held.

  • Membership will now be paid by the term, $20 for the individual, with $15 concession (family member living at the same address, pensioner, full time student or health care / pensioner concession card holder).

  • Our membership application process is now online and will require you to complete a membership application form when purchasing your term membership through our website shop.

  • Casual classes will still be available from $10. Please contact the office in advance of booking into any casual class to confirm places available. Prior arrangement with the office is essential to secure any casual class booking.

  • To assist you with enrolling on-line, we have organised a Coffee, Cake & Conversation session at 10am on Wednesday 20th January where we offer a guided tour of our new website and how to navigate it (cakes very welcome!). After that, between 11am and 12.30pm office helpers will be available to guide you as you enrol. We encourage you to bring in your own device and connect to the Centre’s wifi to access our website. If you would like to attend the Coffee, Cake & Conversation session, please RSVP by email to bscc@iinet.net.au .

  • Please be patient & kind to the ladies in the office, while we are all learning the new systems.

With all that being said welcome to your new website! We look forward to welcoming you at the Beaufort St Community Centre, where we have been creating connections & engaging with our community for over 40 years. We support relationships and positive mental health through creativity.

We recognise the importance of creating with your hands, nourishing the body & soul, to keep your brain & mental health in tip top condition. As the artist Louise Bourgeois reflected https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/bourgeois-sewing-p77683 ‘I am not what I am, I am what I do with my hands”, and she believed ‘Art is a guarantee of emotional restoration & mental health’. So as you explore our new website and look over the range of exciting new courses, choose something new to develop, new connections, new friendships and be proactive in your wellbeing.


Welcome to Term 2!