Term 4, 2022 starting 10th October…
Check out all the great classes we have for you in Term 4 2022 and I urge you to enrol sooner rather than later to make sure you secure a place in your favourite classes.
Stashbuster Charity Quilts has reached a milestone! Quilt #100 has rolled off the Sweet 16 quilting machine! –see 2022 photo below. The group was founded by Pauline Milazzo in 2014 with Quilt #1 completed the same year –see 2014 photo below. Some of the original members are still involved in this group which creates beautiful quilts for donation to several different charities.
Quilt #1 - created in 2014 and some of the group members
Quilt #100 - created in 2022 and some of the group members
Containers for Change
Thanks to all our members who support the Centre by bringing in their Containers for Change items. Our bins are never empty! But did you know that you can take your containers to any recycling facility, show them our Member ID Mobile Pass, and the donation comes straight to us? If this is an easier option for you, follow this link …..and thank you again!
Have you bought your Entertainment membership yet??
It’s not too late…. click here to order.
Each purchase contributes to our Centre’s fundraising efforts and is greatly appreciated!
And of course, we finish off the year with our High Tea. This event is a chance for everyone to get together and celebrate Christmas and the end of another great year for the Centre. This year it will be held on Wednesday 7th December. Save the date! Details of this event TBA.
And here’s a trip down memory lane for you….
…do you remember what year this photo was taken at the High Tea?
The first one to tell Lindsay at this year’s High Tea (on Wednesday 7th December) wins a mystery prize…!
The office will be closed for the holidays, but if you need to contact us, please email bscc@iinet.net.au . Have a great holiday and see you in 2023!